I finally got my camping photo's back! PLUS, Dad was good to give me some of the pictures he took too... WOOHOO! I am so excited!! There is SOO much to post, so many stories, so many memories. It was a vacation I REALLY needed.
This is what camp looked like. We are right on the edge of a beaver pond, and believe me... they are fun to watch. Just don't try to talk to one (clicking your tongue) or they will get upset.... believe me... I KNOW!! My tent is the red one in the center... Dad and Sharon's is hidden!!!
Dad and I went on this hike that was..... oh... just over a couple ridges.... and up to a peak! We were gone from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM..... it was a lovely long hike that I will always cherish! The scenery was perfect, and the sounds were calming!! We heard a hawk screech and it echoed all through the valley! That was so cool. I felt like I was in a movie. It was a pretty cool day (temperature wise) and that just added to the beauty of it. Dad and I had a lovely time talking about religious subjects and just plain life. It was wonderful spending this time with him. Something I will always cherish!

My Grandma Leak loves Indian Paintbrushes (the red flowers behind me in the picture). We saw SOOO many up there. They were beautiful.

We were able to see a couple Bucks (Deer)... They stood there SOOOO still... If we didn't stop to catch our breath, we would have missed them! They were so beautiful!! I named them "Bucky" (the older one), and "Boy" (the younger).

The next day we went on another hike to Bacon Creek Saddle. (NOTE: We both had blisters from the previous hike... so this one wasn't TOO far, but still very enjoyable.) We both took our journals and found this dead tree to sit on. As we were writing, I noticed that this black butterfly was attracted to my camel-back (backpack). I tried many times to get it to climb on my finger. It was the coolest thing when it actually did crawl on there!! No words will ever describe my "Spots". She was the prettiest thing. Her oval eyes were Grey, and her face was fuzzy... she was lovely! After she flew away, she came back to my bag ( I think she was as curious about me as I was her!). I waved my hand in the bye-bye motion, and she flapped her wings. It was sweet! "Spots" holds a spot in my heart!

The last pictures I will post are of the sunrise and sunset! These don't do it justice... but they are pretty to look at anyway!

We always had hot cocoa every morning! Here is a picture of my last day drinking hot cocoa with Dad and Sharon~
I had a wonderful time! There is so much more that I didn't include... It was a wonderful vacation!